Verana tells why she left the music industry in a new interview!
In december 2019 Verena (ex-singer Dune) opens up in an interview why she left the music industry and how she looks back at that time! I’ve translated the piece about those questions in English. You can read the full interview in German in the interviews section here.
An excerpt from an interview with Verena Adam von Strenge take from 04.12.19:
As a singer of hits like “Million Miles from Home” you became famous internationally. How do you look back at this time?
The success with Dune came very quickly and surprisingly. I still went to school and suddenly we were touring across Europa and we got gold and platinum certifications. I was a rather insecure teenager and suddenly had to deal with constantly changing situations and I had to let in many new people in my life. looking back, it helped me a lot to gain self-confidence.
Why did you end up in HR management after your music career?
I’ve always felt that the music was just a temporarily excursion for me, I didn’t feel at home in the music industry. I carried the wish to study psychology for a long time with me. I just started in 2003 and knew immediately that it was the right thing to do. I had an incredible desire to learn new things, to gain knowledge and to really plunge into it. I finally rolled into the HR branche through my internship at Jamba.
Imagine if we could go back in time: Where would you like to have stayed longer? Where would you have stayed shorter?
If I could go back in time, I would have enjoyed the first and second year in the music industry more consciously. Back then everything came very suddenly and I couldn’t really comprehend what was happening. Afterwards I realized that what other artists take years we already succeeded with the first single.